The censorship is out of control. They are so afraid of truth coming out. They know their narratives are phony and that people can see through them.

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When one considers the persecution of Julian Assange, he might think there is a renascence of

the Inquisition [as the Rendition was] and the Imprimatur, applied this time so commonly among the digital algorythm gaga generations in the Big Data dominion. The Spanish writer and philosopher Ortega y Gasset is a good read on the subject, having taken refuge to Argentina during the Spanish

Civil war, and unable to return till after WWII was over, during which time the British intercepted his

personal mail to family, abrogating the Law of Neutrality. 'Man And Crisis' and 'Man And People' are

good reads, philosophical.

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TL:DR: you spoke blasphemy.

And the real reason that the Biden maladministration "paused" the Disinformation Board wasn't because of Dipshit Mary Poppins, it was the realization that outsourcing the censorship function to Silicon Valley puts it safely outside the reach of pesky unwanted election results.

The last thing the censors want is a populist to get elected and be able to appoint members to the Board. That could be catastrophic.

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I'm put in mind of a gentleman named John D. Rockefeller. Why Mr. R? Back in the late 1800's when oil was just getting going, there wasn't much demand for it. There were no internal combustion engines, etc etc. whale oil or paraffin provided light, horses provided transport. So what did Mr. R do? He gave away hurricane lamps for free. Of course, they wouldn't burn whale oil, you needed to buy Standard oil's kerosene to use them. So he created a market for his product and proceeded to make a fortune.

Alas, he ran afoul of Teddy Roosevelt and his trust busters. Don't be fooled by the word trust there. Trusts were the legal chicanery that gave them their power. They were monopoly busters taking aim at both horizontal and vertical monopolies. The government doesn't protect the republic from them much anymore (see Micro$oft) and that's a bad thing. Your tech buddies did the same thing. Here have this app for free! Except it's not free. They want your soul and the business model is such that it's hard for them to lose. You get pissed off and walk away, so what? You weren't paying them anyway. The advertisers were and they only work with aggregate numbers. We need some new laws to knock that shit back but it's not going to happen. The United States is now a perfect blend of corporate and governmental. Fascism that would make Hitler salivate.

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A word from England.....

I was suspended by Twitter in December 2020. Permanently excluded from Facebook and Discord December 2021.

Please try to remember that the cancel culture within social media is GLOBAL and not limited to America.

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Priceless pic! The caption deserves translation: "Raid on the workshops of "Freedom of the Press". This is in the period of Louis Philippe, about 18 years after Napoleon, when there was an internal quarrel in France which led to a change in the Monarchy. France in those days was incredibly divided between Republicans (they wanted the Republic to be restored), the Monarchists (they were in charge and were happy with the king) and Bonapartists (they were more in favor of a strong law and order centralized state). On the left is Marianne, symbol of the French Revolution, being hand-gagged by one of the raiders and on the right a petulant Louis Philippe tearing up the output of the free press.

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This is disturbing. Like others, I think it is a sign of their weakness and this weakness stems from international, world historic challenges. So whatever is happening to the empire that they think they can reverse with more despotism--it's not going to be fundamentally impacted by this sort of thuggery.

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You want to be on the outside, looking in, when the tent collapses.

I'm sure there were quite a few true and loyal apparatchiks still around, when the Soviet Union collapsed, but that didn't keep it from collapsing. Don't hear of Pravda and Izvestia much anymore, do we? Would you prefer to be on the inside?

As someone who has always been on the outside and reveled in it(fortunately my income didn't depend on believing in the crowd), I found the deeper I dug, the more I found and followed the cracks in the system and the ways that patches have been applied, for years, decades, centuries, millennia, rather than anyone actually going back and tearing apart the books, to find the sources of the problem.

That's the problem with being an insider. You can't question any of the underlaying axioms. You can only patch the holes as they come up and get a gold star when you get others to believe it.

The problem now, is the bullshit has been piled so deep, so many people think it is reality and not just waiting for that reality check to show up.

This isn't just politics. Here is an essay I wrote a few months ago, about the basic flaws in Big Bang theory and why the James Webb Space Telescope will find ever further galaxies and not just a primordial haze of some initial state.;


It might seem off topic, but as you say, they have a death grip on the narrative, so it will take some blow from the outside to really break it open and popping the cosmology is a serious blow to any cultural paradigm.

Which we will also certainly get, this winter, as the Europeans realize they not only shot themselves in the foot, but the leg, the stomach and the arm. While the US political situation in the US founders on the fact there is no honor among thieves and as much as the powers that be think they own both parties, the divide and conquer will create much more blowback than can be contained, as the election plays out.

So appreciate the view from the cheap seats. It might not be close to the action, but you can see much more of the picture.

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Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 1, 2022

Patrick - thanks for your courage and dedication in speaking out.

We have to have an answer to news guard and the like; a place where these stories, with their individual & collective power, can be aired, and presented to the public. The cure for this problem is for the bureaucratic stone under which they hide to be upturned, and for light to shine on their acts; we need notarization.

But where to turn to? The ACLU has defanged itself; perhaps here: https://www.thefire.org/.

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What Did You expect?

LOOK AROUND YOU; merely a matter of time.Why expose yurseff to be a 🎯for 'them', to impose themselves on. giving these ____ the ersatz satisfaction to initiate their puny "enforcement"power at caprice? Where is- Francisco FRANCO - when you need him.This ALL would 'go away' with:The efficacious Application of major Summary surgery. It Isn't diarrhea of the mouth from Bullshit politicians that 'back-up to The Pay Table' asOur Country is Dismantled by the pukey capon few that are BUSY whIle WE! wring our hands and ... "Talk". AND

While'The Military:Trains; Drills and Practices. OSTRICHISM. Deadly

When the Chinese and Russians arrive, they'll show Us 'how it's Done'. Meantime, there's always Cuba to admire

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