Misery of unfortunate Afghanistan will likely continue -- Biden administration is full of Russia-gate hoax conspirators. Among them is Hillary campaign's national security advisor, Jake Sullivan — now President Biden's National Security Advisor.

Sullivan was a member of the team that concocted the Russia-gate scam of the century and has played a role in destruction of Trump’s National Security Advisor, a distinguished general Michael Flynn (whom narcissist Obama abhorred). The persecution and insults to Mike Flynn still continue to this day:

Chase bank just cancelled credit card of US general, Michael Flynn.

Reason given: Flynn is a "reputation risk"....

Truly an outrage – always remember Obama’s bank mega-gangsters and their “reputation”.

The Indictment of Hillary Clinton's Lawyer is an Indictment of the Russia-gate Wing of U.S. Media

The DOJ's new charging document, approved by Biden's Attorney General, sheds bright light onto the Russia-gate fraud and how journalistic corruption was key.


PS: I am sure that Hunter Biden has all his credit cards - full of money "earned" by Biden-family corruption.

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A most interesting interview. I do have a few questions and suspicions. One, there seems to be a general consensus that the Taliban were engaged in international terrorism. I don't buy it. Al-Qaeda and 9/11 don't count. As Mr. Lieven makes clear the Taliban and Al-Qaeda don't like each other very much. If you want to blame somebody for 9/11, blame Germany. That's where the bulk of Al-Qaeda's planning was done. Two, poppy production. The Taliban had suppressed opium poppy production after they took over in Afghanistan and it didn't explode until the US took over. Weather that explosion occurred because of American incompetence or the Taliban using it to fund their war against NATO is largely irrelevant. The Pottery Barn rule applies - you break it, you own it. Three, what was the role of the CIA/MI6 in Afghanistan? There is a great piece by Vanessa Beeley over on RT just now about their role in Syria. We know about the CIA cells that were set up as early as the Soviet period in Afghanistan's history and we know that the Taliban got a list of at least some of the people who sold out to the CIA (who now have a life expectancy of a mayfly) but what about MI6? The Brits have a long history of interference in Afghanistan. Four, why is it that when anything like this happens we quick run to Campbell soups and get an new can of alphabet soup for terrorism? ISIS isn't new but I don't recall hearing ISIS and Afghanistan mentioned in the same sentence. The only terrerists I remember mentioned were the Taliban (who, of course, weren't actual terrorists). And this ISKP. Fresh from Campbell's, I don't remember hearing of a group by that name ever before.

And finally, I think Mr. Lieven is being far too kind to the US military. In my opinion, the departure from Afghanistan disaster is entirely the fault of the US military. If you remember Donnie Murdo ordered the US to depart Syria. The military slow walked the order in the hopes that he's lose the election and the order would be rescinded. And so it was. In Afghanistan, the slow walk was the exactly wrong answer. There wasn't going to be a three year grace period like the one that happened after the Soviets left in 89 because our puppet government didn't even last long enough for us to get out of Dodge.

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Sep 17, 2021Liked by Patrick Lawrence

Yes great interview. For a future focus, how about an analysis of the EU parliament anti Russia vote?

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Bravo - outstanding interview

Remember when Raytheon put on a Beyonce concert to promote Adam Schiff?

Truly despicable -- that human excrement and serial liar is among leading Congress war-mongers and recipient of arm industry donations.


And -- Schiff is now leading the US government’s domestic terrorism legislation drive !!

Congressmen Holding Concert Fundraisers Could See a Beyonce Bump | Politics | US News

The Russia-gate lying team is back in FULL power -- we are paying the price for not fully unmasking the scam of the century.

Trump and GOP lunatics were and remain VERY bad -- DNC lying warmongering team is INFINITELY more dangerous.

WHO will be the first current or former Democrat Congresswoman/man or Senator to publicly acknowledge and confirm the brazen scam of the century – DNC’s (St. Obama/Biden/Hillary/Pelosi/Schumer, etc.) Russia-gate hoax and conspiracy?

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